PECS Videos & More

Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®): 4 Part Series

Learn more about the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). Topics covered include Introduction to PECS, Getting Ready for PECS, Overview of the Phases of PECS, and Tips for PECS Success.

Part 1: Introduction to PECS: an interview with Dr. Andy Bondy, co-developer of PECS

In part one of this four part video series about PECS, the co-developer of PECS and co-founder of Pyramid Educational Consultants, Dr. Andy Bondy, is interviewed.  Dr. Bondy describes PECS, explains the philosophy behind PECS and describes who will benefit from PECS.
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Part 2: Getting Ready for PECS

In part two of this four part video series about PECS, Vancouver Speech Language Pathologist, Karen Neill, describes how to prepare the learner and environment when getting started with PECS.
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Part 3: Overview of the Phases of PECS

In part three of this four part video series about PECS, Education and Behavior Consultant, Erin Yorke, describes and provides a brief overview of the six (6) phases of PECS.
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Part 4: Tips for PECS Success

In part four of this four part video series about PECS, Vancouver Speech Language Pathologist, Karen Neill, offers suggestions that will help you achieve success with PECS.
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These videos were created by the Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders known as POPARD in conjunction with Pyramid Education. They are NOT intended to be training videos.  For more information about PECS and/or to explore training opportunities contact us at

Special thanks to Donna Banzhof, Alexis MacPherson, Erin Yorke, Karen Neill, Joy McGowan and Brad Almond for their assistance in the creation of this video series.

More videos are available to view on our YouTube Channel:

A Clear Picture: The Use and Benefits of PECS

Join Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP as she introduces the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), and include a synopsis of the six training phases, a discussion of myths and facts associated with PECS and an overview of the research related to PECS.
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The Power of PECS: A Book of Thanks from Parents, Staff and Students

Pyramid founders and PECS developers, Andy Bondy, PhD and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP, visited the Saplings School in Poznan, Poland in 2016 and were presented with a lovely book made by the parents and staff thanking them for PECS and describing the incredible impact PECS has had on their children’s lives. We love it so much we decided to share!
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An interview with Dr. Andy Bondy and Lori Frost: 4 Part Series

Join the developers of PECS and founders of Pyramid Educational Consultants, Andy Bondy, PhD, and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP, as they discuss PECS, the Pyramid Approach to Education, products and the establishment and expansion of Pyramid Educational Consultants.

Part 1: The Development of PECS

© Copyright 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants
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Part 2: The Development of the Pyramid Approach to Education

© Copyright 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants
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Part 3: Overview of the Phases of PECS

© Copyright 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants
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Part 4: Tips for PECS Success

© Copyright 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants
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PECS® and Core Vocabulary

Learn more about the relationship between PECS and core vocabulary and how our model encompasses the inclusion of core vocabulary as appropriate.

PECS & Core Vocabulary, Part I

Featuring Joe McCleery, PhD
© Copyright 2015, Pyramid Educational Consultants
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PECS & Core Vocabulary, Part II

Featuring Catherine Horton, MS, CCC-SLP, BCBA
© Copyright 2017, Pyramid Educational Consultants
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Free Webcasts

Developed by Andy Bondy, PhD and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP
Co-founders of Pyramid Education and 
Co-developers of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

Learn more about our most requested topics: PECS, the Pyramid Approach to Education, Emotions and Verbal Behavior. Our webcasts incorporate slide show presentations and audio narration. Current titles include I am the Master of My Emotions, PECS and Skinner’s Verbal Behavior, A Clear Picture: The Use and Benefits of PECS and The Pyramid Approach for Parents and Professionals.

The Pyramid Approach for Parents and Professionals

25 minutes
This webcast will briefly discuss the base elements of the Pyramid including functional activities, reinforcement systems, communication/social skills, and contextually inappropriate behaviors and alternatives.
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General Description
This webcast begins with a brief overview of the Pyramid Approach to Education, a unique teaching model designed by Andy Bondy, PhD based on the principles of broad spectrum applied behavior analysis. This webcast will briefly discuss the base elements of the Pyramid including functional activities, reinforcement systems, communication/social skills, and contextually inappropriate behaviors and alternatives. A description of the Pyramid’s top elements, including generalization, creating effective lessons, specific teaching strategies, minimizing and correcting errors, and data collection and analysis will follow.

The Pyramid Approach for Parents and Professionals is appropriate for all members of the educational team who would like to learn about the Pyramid Approach to Education, including speech-language pathologists, parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, behavior analysts, psychologists, social workers and other professionals who are providing services for or living with individuals with developmental disabilities.

What You Will Begin To Learn:

  • How to successfully implement the Pyramid Approach to Education
  • The importance of teaching functional communication skills
  • How to create opportunities for teaching

Presenter: Andy Bondy, PhD
Attend the Pyramid Approach to Education Training to learn more about the Pyramid Approach to Education. You can also view our current training schedule.

I am the master of my emotions

45 minutes
Join Andy Bondy, PhD as he explores why many children, especially those with autism, have difficulty in acquiring language related to expressing emotions and identifying emotions in other people. Andy presents the information in a simple and conversational manner, enabling even the novice to grasp the concepts discussed.
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General Description
B.F. Skinner provided an important guide to the analysis of language in his book, Verbal Behavior. In this book, he stresses the critical value of focusing on the function of various aspects of communication. His analysis includes a very interesting section on what he termed “private events.” That is, how do we learn to talk about things that happen inside us? I am the Master of my Emotions will review traditional approaches to teaching children with autism to communicate about their emotions as well as how to respond to such language from other people. Dr. Bondy will also review how to consider various lessons related to emotions and how to incorporate Skinner’s analysis into the design of effective lessons. These lessons may involve very young children, teenagers or adults who continue to have difficulty with this topic. This webcast will review why this area is so difficult for those with autism and suggest teaching strategies that may lead to successful acquisition of these complex language skills.

I am the Master of my Emotions is appropriate for all members of the educational team who want to learn more about the language of emotions, including speech-language pathologists, parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, behavior analysts, psychologists, social workers and/or other professionals providing services for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. 

What You Will Begin To Learn:

  • To describe how children typically learn to comment about “private events”
  • The type of information adults respond to when teaching children to tell us about their emotions, and what may be missing for children with autism
  • Why traditional approaches to teaching “the language of emotions” may not be effective and how they can be improved
  • How to take advantage of existing emotional displays and how to create situations that are likely to induce such feelings
  • Why it is not really easy to teach “really”
  • Why it will be helpful to attend the full-day workshop, The Language of Emotions

Presenter: Andy Bondy, PhD 

PECS and Skinner's Verbal Behavior

60 minutes
Join Andy Bondy, PhD and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP as they explore how the work of B.F. Skinner can help everyone better understand how language can be viewed from a behavioral perspective. The information is presented in a simple and conversational manner, enabling even the novice to grasp the concepts discussed.
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General Description
Skinner wrote an important behavioral analysis of language in the book, Verbal Behavior. In this book, he shows how we can look at basic units of language and determine how they are systematically related to important aspects of the environment. By understanding how these language units- called verbal operants- are acquired, we can better plan to help learners with communication challenges to master simple units as well as more complex parts of language. His analysis stressed that the form or mode of communication is not as important as the functional understanding of language units. For example, requesting an apple leads to a different outcome than commenting about an apple. Talking about an apple that is in front of you is different than talking about the apple you ate yesterday. Skinner’s analysis also points out why certain parts of language – “I really want the apple” – are so difficult for individuals with autism to learn. Finally, we point out that this analysis can be helpful to everyone – parents and professionals from various fields of study.

PECS and Skinner’s Verbal Behavior is appropriate for all members of the educational team who want to learn more about Skinner’s Verbal Behavior, including speech-language pathologists, parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, behavior analysts, psychologists, social workers and/or other professionals providing services for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. 

What You Will Learn:

  • Define “verbal behavior” and “vocal” behavior
  • Name the three antecedent conditions for verbal behavior
  • List three primary verbal operants
  • Analyze pure versus multiply controlled verbal operants

Presenters: Andy Bondy, PhD and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP

Our webcasts are slide show presentations with audio narration that are streamed from our website and viewed from your computer. Please note our webcasts are not live and do not allow interaction between the presenters and the audience. The webcasts are overviews only and are not intended to replace training workshops in the relevant areas.