Have you recently begun using PECS? We’ve assembled everything you need to get started with PECS right away! PECS Starter Kit includes a Large PECS Communication Book, The PECS Training Manual (2nd Edition), and the current Pics for PECS CD. Product descriptions can be found below. Order now to get started!
Large Communication Book
The Large PECS Communication book is a 10 1/4″ x 9 1/4″, 3-ring binder that is great as a first book for new PECS users. This picture-ready PECS Communication Book is made of a thick, poly plastic material that is smooth to the touch, yet extremely durable. The back of the book is longer than the front to accommodate the Sentence Strip™. This allows access to the Sentence Strip no matter which page in the book is in use. The book includes strips of VELCRO® Brand hook, two non-tabbed Insert Pages and one Sentence Strip. Fasten on one of our PECS Communication Book Straps to the spine-attached rings and the book becomes portable!
PECS Training Manual
The Pyramid Approach to Education, 2nd Edition, presents Andy Bondy’s integrative approach to teaching individuals with a range of educational needs, within any learning environment. This updated edition of the book guides professionals and parents toward asking the right questions and designing constructive answers as they develop powerful home, school and community-based programs. Frustrated by marginal student learning? New answers can be found in this book! In a straightforward manner it recommends how and what to teach to maximize learning. The final chapter of the book provides detailed examples of this approach with a number of students in various settings. The new edition is an easy read for anyone, reflecting Andy Bondy’s acumen and experience while making the content accessible to all.
Pics for PECS
Our Pics for PECS® image collection is appropriate for all ages and supports both expressive and receptive AAC systems. Our high resolution jpg images can be enlarged to full page with no loss of clarity and can be used in any software that supports jpg images. In addition to making pictures for PECS Communication Books, Pics for PECS can be used to create printed communication boards, schedules, literacy activities, visual supports and overlays for speech generating devices. You’ll find over 200 new images on Version 14 of the CD! New additions include an array of musical instruments, toys, activities, locations and more! CD includes over 3,200 Pics for PECS images, instructions for use, complete image wordlist, picture dictionary and grids for a range of image sizes. CD is intended for use on Windows XP or higher / Mac OS 10.5 “Leopard” or higher. Please visit for availability in other languages.