Certify Your Program

Pyramid Certification Program

Improve program organization and effectiveness, and promote positive behavior change, while developing learners’ communication and independence skills!

The Pyramid Certification Program combines comprehensive training and consultative guidance to support education teams in building effective learning environments using the Pyramid Approach to Education®The Pyramid Approach provides an organized integrated framework that focuses on teaching the team how to meet learners’ individual needs by combining a unique blend of broad spectrum applied behavior analytic, evidence-based strategies, with a special emphasis on methods for promoting functional communication, academic, vocational and social skills. As the team implements the nine elements of the Pyramid, an assessment is used to guide and track progress. Certification is granted once the team demonstrates inclusion of all components of the Pyramid Approach. Additional services can be provided to train leadership teams to maintain progress and expand team development.


Each team member will complete the following trainings:

Trainings consist of lecture, discussions, video review, team planning, group activities, practice and role-play.


Consultation consists of visits to the site spread across a year, beginning with a day to collect starting-point data. Team members will be guided by one of Pyramid’s expert consultants to implement all components of the Pyramid. Observations, modeling, and feedback will be provided during each consultative visit along with written recommendations.

Pyramid Certified Teams Will:


meaningful goals to increase independence for learners


and implement effective lessons which include teaching strategies and error correction procedures


positive behaviors through skill development

Use Data

to make educational decisions


classroom/site organization


Access to Experts

By working with Pyramid, the team has access through their Pyramid consultant to the international Pyramid consulting team,​ including the founders Andy Bondy, PhD and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP.

Improved Learner Performance

By implementing the elements of the Pyramid, teams will empower their learners to improve skills across domains, increasing communication skills while decreasing challenging behaviors.

Increased Staff Satisfaction

Teamwork and collaboration develop as the team forms a cohesive approach to systematic teaching.

Enhanced Program Reputation

Your organization will be listed as having a Pyramid Certified site on our global websites.

Educational Accountability

Throughout the certification process and when certification is achieved, there will be ongoing measurement of staff and learner progress.

Sustainable Results

Skill maintenance is ensured via training of leadership teams to continue implementation of Pyramid concepts following consultation.


Pyramid Certification is awarded when the nine sections of the Pyramid Certification Program Checklist™ are satisfactorily demonstrated. Certification is awarded for up to 2 years: the academic year during which it was obtained and one academic year following.

Certification Renewal

After the initial 2-year period, each site can renew their certificate. The renewal requirements consist of a Pyramid Assessment Day to look at all elements of the Pyramid, training to refresh concepts/topics (minimum of 2 days), and consultation as needed to ensure all elements of the Pyramid continue to be maintained at a passing level (minimum half-day per classroom/site per quarter/term).

Leadership Training

As a way to maintain progress, a group of leaders within an organization can choose to participate in additional training to develop supervisory and leadership skills with a focus on the Pyramid Approach. This allows for leaders within the organization to assist in maintaining an effective learning environment and carrying out long-term changes.

To date more than 50 classrooms/sites have achieved Pyramid Certified Status worldwide.