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The Pyramid Approach to Education is a comprehensive framework establishing and supporting effective learning environments. The Pyramid Approach emphasizes the “why” of learning, “how” to teach, rather than simply “what” to teach. It is designed to help professionals and parents ask the right questions to help maximize learner progress. You can find more information on the Pyramid Approach to Education page.
Yes, our Pyramid consultants would love to provide guidance to you, your team and/or the learner. Our consultants all have a wealth of knowledge and experience working with learners who have developmental disabilities, autism, communication impairments as well as behavior challenges. Learn more about Support Services.
The language we use to define and describe ourselves involves complex issues. The language regarding cultural identities related to race, gender, abilities, and sexual orientation is evolving (and changing). The current discussion in the field of autism centers around individuals’ preferences for ‘identity-first’ versus ‘person-first’ terms. Using ‘identity-first’ language we would say “autistic person.” Using ‘person-first’ language we would say “person with autism.” Our priority is to ask about and follow the wishes of individuals with whom we are interacting. Given our own history and involvement with thousands of individuals and families, we talk and write about learners with ASD using person-first language, but we are happy to accommodate other phrases when requested.
Core vocabulary, as defined by Beukelman and Mirenda (2013), refers to words and messages commonly used by a variety of individuals and that occur very frequently. Fringe vocabulary refers to vocabulary that is more specific to a topic, environment or individual. Added confusion exists based upon the fact that different practitioners include slightly different words on their list of core words.
People have mistakenly asserted that Pyramid is anti-core. However, our stance has always been to teach vocabulary to our learners in a way that is meaningful. An abundance of literature exists in both fields of Applied Behavior Analysis and Speech Language Pathology, pointing to the appropriateness of first teaching learners specific, fringe vocabulary. Therefore, the question should not be core OR fringe. Rather, our model encompasses the inclusion of core vocabulary as appropriate …and not a transition to core. For more information, please see our two videos entitled, PECS and Core Vocabulary and PECS and Core Vocabulary, Part II.
Answer the questions on this flow chart to determine if a person is a candidate for PECS.
The most critical element to the success of PECS is identification of a powerful set of reinforcers. The team must identify items and/or activities that the learner enjoys throughout the day. In addition it is important to plan for communication opportunities such as carefully monitoring the identified reinforcers so that accessibility is limited. If these items are always freely available, the learner would likely be less motivated to request the items during your initial PECS lessons. In addition, pictures will need to be made prior to your first PECS session. The symbol set does not matter in the early stages of PECS. We recommend that you identify a symbol set that is easy for you to reproduce and maintain. If changes in the symbol set are necessary, these changes will be made in Phase III.
Matching/discrimination skills are not necessary to begin PECS. PECS begins by teaching the important foundational communication skills of “how to communicate” and “how to be persistent with communication.” We begin by using single icons during the first two phases of PECS. During the initial phases, the picture functions as a ticket that must be exchanged with a communication partner. These concepts parallel typical language development, in that young children begin engaging in basic communication skills (i.e. joint attention with gestures) prior to development of the first words. In a similar fashion, we teach the art of communication via PECS first and then focus on building the picture vocabulary in Phase III. Specific teaching strategies are utilized in Phase III to teach discrimination of the icons. These teaching strategies have been effective with children who previously were not able to master a variety of match-to-sample lessons.
Research from as early as the 1960s has demonstrated that AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) systems do not inhibit the development of speech, but rather facilitate the development of speech.
As we view the PECS Communication Book as equivalent to the learner’s voice, each learner will need to have their own Communication Book. We don’t share voices, so our students should not be required to share the Communication Books. The learner will be taught to transport the book to all settings beginning in Phase II. After that time, it will always be the learner’s responsibility to carry the book throughout the day.
Following Phase III discrimination training, it is appropriate to use Topic/Activity Boards. These boards contain vocabulary that is relevant to a specific location or activity. For instance, in the home setting there may be a topic board located in the kitchen that includes a variety of food choices. In the motor area at school, the board may include all relevant pictures of gross motor activities. Remember that if the item is reinforcing to your learner, the picture from the Activity Board should also be replicated in the PECS Communication Book. One helpful strategy within the home setting may be to use the Insert Pages within the Communication Book as the Activity Boards that can be posted around the home. That way, when you’re ready to leave the house, the Insert Pages can be easily gathered into the Communication Book.
The length of the training session will be dependent on two variables. The first variable involves the learner’s interest. You can conduct one trial or twenty trials, as long as your learner continues to initiate (e.g. reaching towards the item). Once the learner stops initiating, the trainer can decide to either offer a new/different reinforcer or end the session. Keep in mind that you should always end the session on a positive note, prior to satiation, boredom and/or occurrence of Contextually Inappropriate Behaviors (CIBs).
The second variable involves the availability of the second trainer. Two trainers are required for implementation of Phase I of the protocol. As such, session length may sometimes be dependent on the time constraints of the second trainer.
Visual discrimination skills are neither a prerequisite for starting Phase I, nor a target objective of this phase. During Phase I the picture acts as a ticket that is exchanged for a desired item. As such, only one picture is presented at a time.
However, the learner may ask for several different items during a session. Each time the reinforcer changes, the corresponding picture is placed directly in front of the student. So, although only a single picture is presented at one time, the learner should be exchanging a variety of pictures for all identified reinforcers throughout the day.
You must have two trainers to begin implementation of the PECS protocol with your learner. One person will play the role of the communicative partner. The second trainer will play the role of the physical prompter. Research indicates that physical prompts delivered from behind the learner are more effective and easier to fade than those that are delivered from the front. As such, if you do not have two trainers available you should wait to begin implementing PECS.
PECS should be implemented in all settings beginning in Phase I. The initial exchanges typically take place in a structured setting, as the communicative partner, physical prompter and student are aligned close together. Trainers should structure communication opportunities in the classroom, playground, cafeteria, home, community, etc. Anywhere a speaking individual is using his voice to communicate is a target area for PECS implementation.
The following areas may need to be addressed to help skill acquisition in Phase I:
Please note that some learners may demonstrate a slower learning curve. If the individual tends to learn all skills at a slower pace, it would be reasonable to assume that acquisition of Phase I skills would also take some time.
One picture is presented at a time at Phase II. The picture should be placed on the front of the book, as the Communication Book is introduced at the beginning of this phase. Although only a single picture is presented at one time, the learner should be exchanging a variety of pictures for all identified reinforcers throughout the day. Discrimination is not a requirement for Phase II. Phase II focuses on distance and persistence.
Teaching distance and persistence will be imperative for our learners to view PECS as a functional means of communication. Our students must learn that they can communicate with all people in all environments, even if the communication partner isn’t nearby. As such, you should identify times during the day when travel is appropriate. This can occur during natural movement times including physical education, recess time, etc. In addition to traveling within the structured classroom settings, you may also teach your learners to acquire attention in other ways. Many of our students learn to raise their hands to acquire the teacher’s attention within the classroom setting.
For our learners that have mobility issues, including learners that are wheelchair bound, we should not expect walking/moving long distances. Instead, we will teach the use of a call switch (i.e. talking photo frame, BIGmack Switch, bell, etc.). The physical prompter will teach the learner to hit the call switch, which is programmed with a generic expression such as “Come here, please.” This will be the communicative partner’s indication to approach the learner. From there, the learner will exchange the single picture for the reinforcer. The communicative partner should slowly increase the amount of time before availability to receive the learner’s message. The call switch and Communication Book should be permanently located in an area that is easily accessible (i.e. book and switch placed on wheelchair). Information on how to teach this can be found in The PECS Training Manual, 2nd Edition.
As soon as the learner has demonstrated distance and persistence with communicative interactions, Phase IIIA – Visual Discrimination Skills should be introduced. During other times throughout the day, the learner should continue to generalize Phase II skills.
Before considering the use of alternative strategies, the team should assess the training procedures that have been used to teach Phase IIIA.
If Phase IIIA (the first level of Discrimination Training) was implemented properly, and progress has not been documented, then alternative strategies should be explored. Any alternative you use will involve changing some part of the lesson (i.e. how we present the choices). These changes are often in the form of prompts that we put into the lesson to help the student succeed. Once we note success, those prompts should be faded to elimination. Refer to your handout packet from the PECS Level 1 Training or The PECS Training Manual, 2nd Edition for a refresher on some Discrimination Training Alternatives. Please visit our product shop for materials focusing on teaching Alternative Discrimination strategies.
New vocabulary can be added at any phase. Remember, the new vocabulary is chosen based upon your learner’s preferences/reinforcers. When your learner is in Phase IIIB-Complex Discrimination and beyond, the trainer should conduct a Correspondence Check to ensure that the learner understands the picture.
During active training of the Phase IV skills, the learner is taught to first place the Sentence Starter (I want) on the Sentence Strip and then to place the reinforcer picture on the strip. After mastery of Phase IV, the learner may independently begin constructing the Sentence Strip in novel ways. The learner may place both pictures on the strip at the same time and/or place the reinforcer picture first on the Sentence Strip followed by the Sentence Starter. These types of Sentence Strip constructions are fine, provided that the final exchanged Sentence Strip appears in the correct order. If errors in sequence do occur, remember to use the Backstep Error Correction Procedure.
Initially, the communicative partner should remove the pictures from the Sentence Strip and replace both the strip and pictures on/in the Communication Book. Requiring the PECS user to do so unnecessarily slows the communicative response for him or her. Some learners insist on being the ones to put their pictures back, though. This is fine.
Essentially, as learners become integrated into community activities, they will need to learn to take the Sentence Strip back from the “lay communicative partner,” so that pictures and Sentence Strips don’t get lost. When teaching this skill, we recommend the use of physical prompts or gestures instead of verbal prompts (i.e., “Put your pictures away”). The physical prompts or gestures you insert into this lesson should be much easier to fade than verbal prompts and will promote independence as quickly as possible.
During Phase IV training and beyond, the trainer should pause while reading the Sentence Strip. This pause time is known as the constant time delay and gives the student a chance to vocalize. If the learner displays vocal approximations and/or clearly articulated words, we will “have a party!” We want to differentially reinforce any speech attempts by providing more of the reinforcer or a longer amount of time with the item. The message to the learner is that speech is GREAT, but his/her functional communication system will continue to be an effective way to communicate on days when the words are not easy to produce.
Attributes should be introduced immediately following Phase IV mastery. Prior to introducing specific lessons, the team should identify attribute concepts that are important and meaningful from the learner’s perspective. Examples could include color, size, number and/or shape concepts. Remember that the learner does not need to demonstrate receptive understanding of the concept prior to use of the concept expressively.
This is a common occurrence, and we will attempt to change the learning environment slightly in order to teach this skill. While we often recommend that the icons related to the lesson be placed on the front of the Communication Book for initial training sessions, this may indeed promote the type of behavior you are describing. Try placing all of the learner’s icons inside of the Communication Book, including the “I want” icon. This will create a bit of a delay to the pictures and may allow you the opportunity to ask the question and provide the delayed prompting strategy. Be sure to provide opportunities for the learner to request spontaneously across the day as well!
Because the consequence for commenting is social reinforcement, Phase VI can be a difficult skill for some of our learners. We will begin by teaching commenting based upon the sense that is most motivating and/or meaningful from the learner’s perspective. Common Sentence Starters include: “I hear,” “I see,” “I smell,” etc. Though not all learners will have success with this phase, the team has still provided the learner with a functional means of communication to request important items and/or activities.
The communicative partner can systematically eliminate the entire question as a way to elicit the spontaneous comment. For example, “What do you see/hear/smell/etc.?” the communicative partner can ask, followed with “What do you?” and then “What do?” and, finally, “What?” Please note that not all of our learners will demonstrate success with spontaneous commenting. Celebrate the skills that the learner has mastered. It’s wonderful that the learner has mastered spontaneous and responsive requesting, as well as responsive commenting!
A replacement product or refund may be issued up to 30 days from the product delivery date, excluding return and replacement freight. Exclusions will apply. Please see Returns for our full Product Return Policy.
Products purchased directly from Pyramid are guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship for one full year from the date of shipment, unless specifically noted otherwise. Any such defect will be repaired or the product replaced, at our option, upon return to our warehouse located in New Castle, Delaware. Any product will wear with use and no guarantee is made against normal deterioration.
Typically, orders will ship within 1-3 business days from the date the order was received. Please allow an additional 5-7 business days for standard delivery within the USA. Shipping times may vary for international orders. Expedited shipping options are available to you by contacting the business office. (Please see the FAQ, “How much will it cost to ship my order?” for expedited shipping options and rates.)
Continental USA shipments are 10% of the total order or a $7.00 USD minimum. Shipments to Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii are 15% of the total order or a $15.00 USD minimum. International shipments are subject to additional Taxes & Duties.
Expedited shipping options are available to you by contacting the business office at +30 6937490590. Expedited shipping and pricing options are as follows (please note the expedited charges are in addition to your standard delivery charges. You will pay for actual shipping plus the expedited rate. No Saturday deliveries. All expedited deliveries are guaranteed by 3:00 PM):
No, our products that are used to implement the PECS protocol are used with individuals who have difficulty using speech as their primary mode of communication and those who need to augment their speech. Products that focus on visual supports, reinforcement, and activities/lessons are appropriate for both regular and special education learners.
Our products have been used with learners of all ages.
A link will be provided for a digital product download after a purchase has been made and payment has been received. The link will be located in “My Account” under order history. Select the order that includes the downloadable product.
You can watch a detailed tutorial video here.
Yes, the Schedule Pictures contain icons of activities that are commonly used daily in school, home and community settings; they come in one size. PECS 151 is a vocabulary picture set made up of items and activities learners most commonly request, as well as attributes and Sentence Starters. They are available in 2 different sizes: small and large
The book contains material on the following topics:
Please contact our business office at +30 6937490590 and a customer care representative will be happy to assist you. Questions about products may also be emailed to the Products Department at
Yes, please submit an original product/picture suggestion to
Yes, please submit your picture suggestions to
Yes. However, only a few selected products have the option to download a digital copy including Pics for PECS Version 15 and Lesson Plans for Young Children. You must have a customer account to purchase in order to purchase the Lesson Plans for Young Children Download. A customer account is NOT needed to purchase the Pics for PECS Version 15 Download.
A link will be provided for a digital product download after a purchase has been made and payment has been received. The link will be located in the original order invoice email. Additionally, if you ordered with a registered account, the link will also be located in “My Account” under Downloads. Select the order that includes the downloadable product.
To set up a customer account for our online store go to the Products Home Page and click Register under the Customer Portal. In order to set up an account, you will need to provide a username, email address, and password (minimum length of 6 characters). Click Register to complete the account set up process.
Most of our products can be seen in action by visiting the designated product page on this website or our YouTube Channel. Other products are demonstrated at many of our workshops. If you have further questions about products, email us at or call +30 6937490590.
An order can be placed via fax or web 24 hours, 7 days a week. Phone orders can be placed Monday-Friday 9:00 am -5:00 pm, EST (excluding major holidays).
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Check, or Purchase Order (PO) are accepted. All monies should be in U.S. funds. Purchase Orders are accepted via fax, mail or email. To avoid order duplication on Purchase Orders, please choose only one method of submission.
Orders placed online will receive an email confirmation. Phoned, mailed, emailed or faxed orders will only receive confirmation if requested by the customer. Customers may also contact the business office to receive confirmation and/or check the status of their order by calling +30 6937490590.
International orders are accepted prepaid via online, phone, mail, email or fax. Sorry, no purchase orders (POs) are accepted for international shipments. Taxes & Duties: The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to import taxes and duties, which are levied once a shipment reaches the designated country. Additional charges for custom clearance must be borne by the recipient; we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. As customs policies vary widely from country to country, please contact your local customs office for further information.
If you are a tax exempt organization and paying with a credit card, please complete an order form and submit to along with a copy of your tax exempt certificate, or contact the business office to place your order at +30 6937490590.
No. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.
No, you do not need to have a customer account to purchase the Pics for PECS Download. However, an active email address is required. Once your order for the Pics for PECS Download is processed, you will receive an order confirmation via email that includes the product name, license key, number of activations and a download link. If you do have a customer account, this information may also be accessed by logging into your online customer account and going to Downloads or Orders on your Customer Dashboard as well.
Yes, the entire Pics for PECS image collection (Pics for PECS Version 15) which includes over 3,400 images is available for download to your PC here.
Yes, Pics for PECS Version 15 Download is now available for Mac computers. macOS High Sierra (version 10.13.6) or higher is required. Access the macOS compatible installer here.
For Windows based computers Microsoft Windows 7 or higher is required. For macOS computers High Sierra (version 10.13.6) or higher is required. An internet connection is required during the product installation process.
One purchase of the Pics for PECS Version 15 Download includes 3 downloads and 2 activations. This allows for the product to be installed and used on up to two computers with a single License Key.
From start to finish the Pics for PECS Version 15 Download installation process will likely take 15-20 minutes to fully install the product on your personal computer. Please allow more time when installing to older computers.
Once your order is processed, you will receive an order confirmation via email that includes the product name, license key, number of activations and a download link. If you have a customer account, this information may also be accessed by logging into your online customer account and going to Downloads or Orders on your Customer Dashboard as well.
There are several ways to access your license key:
If you do not have any more activations available, you will need to purchase the product again or uninstall the Pics for PECS Download from one of your current computers. To uninstall Pics for PECS go to your start menu and select Uninstall under Pics for PECS Version 15. Follow the prompts to uninstall this program from your computer. Once uninstalled, an activation will be added back to your online account. You should now be able to download and install Pics for PECS to another computer.
During the installation process, the Pics for PECS installer will attempt to connect to one of the IP addresses listed below. If the installer hangs or crashes during the installation process, please check that our IP list is whitelisted in your firewall/anti-virus programs. Once this issue is resolved, the installation process should run smoothly.
Pyramid Global IP List:
Please make sure you are downloading Pics for PECS Version 15 from an official Pyramid website. A full list of Pyramid website is available to view here. If you have downloaded Pics for PECS Version 15 from one of these sites, you are likely receiving the virus/malware warning in error. Pyramid does not put any malicious code or viruses in their software. However, we recommend you scan the installer file with any current antivirus software before proceeding with the installation process to ensure there are no issues with the local computer.
Yes, all apps are available for purchase through the Volume Purchase Program.
The Volume Purchase Program for Education through Apple allows educational institutions special pricing on apps purchased through the program. Institutions enrolled in the program receive a 50% discount on apps when purchasing in quantities of 20 or more.
Learn more general information about the Volume Purchase Program for Education at Apple.
For more information, read the Volume Purchase Program for Education Guide.
Ten (10) devices (no more than five of them computers) may be associated with the same Apple ID and iTunes at one time.
Guided Access helps you to stay focused on a task while using your iPhone or iPad. Guided Access limits your device to a single app and lets you control which app features are available.
You can use Guided Access to:
You can purchase our apps through your tablet or device directly from the App Store (for Apple devices: iPad®, iPad mini™, or iPhone®) or Google Play store (for Android™ devices).
The following apps are available for download on Android devices: Working4™ and R+ Remind
The following apps are available for download on Apple devices (iPad®, iPad mini™, and iPhone®): Working4™, Wait4it™, and R+ Remind.
The following apps are available for download on iPad® and iPad mini™ ONLY: PECS IV+, PECS Phase III and iHear PECS®: Animals™.
An internet connection is only necessary for the following:
PECS IV+ | English, British English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, and Russian |
PECS Phase III | English |
iHear PECS: Animals | English |
Wait4it | English |
Working4 | English, Japanese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese |
iPraiseU | English |
R+ Remind | English |
More information about our apps is available on our online product shop here.
Send us an email at for additional assistance.
You can view the full policy on our Privacy Policy page.
More information about PECS IV+ is available on our online product shop here.
Yes, watch it here.
Read through our Getting Started Guide here.
A trial or free version of PECS IV+ is not available. However, there are some demo videos of the app available online that you might find helpful here.
In order to determine if your learner is ready to transition to a Speech Generating Device, we recommend that you review the following flow chart and article developed to answer this question:
Each book within PECS IV+ can support up to 30 pages with up to 28 pictures on each page (840 images total). If your learner’s vocabulary has exceeded 840 pictures, you will need to set up another book within the app to accommodate additional vocabulary.
PECS IV+ supports 15 languages: English, British English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, and Russian.
Pyramid has plans to develop the PECS IV+ app for the Android platform in early 2023.
PECS IV+ does not include multiple voice options. However, it is possible to adjust the speed and pitch of the speech synthesizer. Below are instructions to follow in order to make adjustments to the speech synthesizer within the app:
At this time, the only way to back up the app to an outside database in order to ensure that all data (user pictures, profiles, and books) is protected is to back-up your entire device using iCloud. Please follow the Apple guidelines on Backing up and Restoring Apple devices:
This feature is not currently available within PECS IV+. We suggest that the unavailable items/pictures be moved to a special insert page reserved for unavailable items. This is one strategy that we recommend for low-tech PECS Communication Books as well when “no” symbols are not available.
Yes, it is still possible to import images from the web into the app. However, it takes a few more steps. In order to import images from the web (without using the web search function available within the PECS IV+ app), please follow these instructions:
Yes, it is possible to change the name of a book within the app at any time. To change the name of any book, follow these instructions:
In order to resolve the issue, you will need to put the app into Guided Access after you enter Communication Mode and then disable the area surrounding the lock icon in the top right hand corner of the app. Guided Access is a feature on iPad that limits your device to a single app and lets you control which app features are available. Once this is done, nothing will happen when your learner touches the lock button on the app. In order for the teacher or parent to unlock the app, you will just need to end Guided Access. Learn how to set up Guided Access to disable the area surrounding the lock icon. Information about Guided Access is also available in our Getting Started Guide to PECS IV+.
If you have backed your device up using iCloud, you can sign into the new device using the same Apple ID and restore your settings from the previous device. This will only work if you are using the same Apple ID on both devices. There is currently no way to transfer the PECS IV+ app from one device to another on devices using different Apple IDs.
At this time there is no way to sync the PECS IV+ app between devices.
At this time, the PECS IV+ app will not work with MDM (Mobile Device Management). The PECS IV+ app requires a single user to login using an Apple ID, therefore making the app incompatible with MDM.
Below are the steps required to change the pronunciation:
iPadOS version 12.5.5 or higher is needed to run PECS IV+. Below is the list of Apple devices that PECS IV+ can be used on:
The app does run on the new IOS 17.x. Users reported an issue with pictures stacking on top of each other on certain iPad Pro devices. If you are experiencing this problem, please download the latest version of the app from App Store at no extra charge.