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Are you or your team looking for the seal of approval that shows you are implementing the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®) according to the standard protocol?
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an evidence-based practice that is supported by a large body of research from around the world. Learners achieve solid functional communication and attain the greatest benefit when the PECS protocol is carefully followed. To assure high quality PECS implementation, Pyramid Educational Consultants offers the PECS Certification Program, a process that assesses competence in implementing the PECS protocol.
PECS Implementer Certification is the perfect option for individuals who have attended PECS Training and would like to demonstrate the high quality of their PECS implementation.
PECS Manager Certification is designed to meet the needs of administrators who are looking to ensure staff are following the PECS protocol by having a certified PECS leader within your district or agency.
There are three levels of PECS Certification, each building on the knowledge and skills gained from the previous level:
*PECS Manager Certification is not intended for those who are in private practice.
People who are PECS Implementer Certified and PECS Manager Certified are not licensed PECS Trainers or Consultants and are not authorized, certified or trained to present PECS Level 1 or Level 2 Trainings.
Note: If you have limited internet access and/or prefer to complete the process via mail and/or email download the PECS Certification Application.
If you have further questions, please contact us at