Pyramid Educational Consultants

Build Communication Skills for Life

Pyramid is the sole source for the internationally recognized, evidenced-based Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®) and the Pyramid Approach to Education®. Improving functional communication skills, decreasing challenging behaviors, and increasing independence for over thirty years.

Training & Talks

Our PECS and Pyramid trainings are presented by our team of expert consultants, led by the developers of PECS, Andy Bondy, PhD, and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP.  Designed to meet a variety of needs and developed over many years of helping people achieve their unique goals, our trainings are delivered in a variety of settings and offered in several modes to make them as accessible as possible. You can attend any of our Pyramid hosted workshops, or contact our office to host your own training.

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Pyramid Products, designed with your learner in mind, to support communication for life. Pyramid Products assist in implementing the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®) and The Pyramid Approach to Education® for learners with complex communication needs including autism. Find PECS Communication Books, Visual Schedules, and Reinforcement Tools in our online Product Shop.

Consultation & More

Our expert Pyramid Consultants provide evidence-based strategies and support to teams, organizations and families who are looking to improve learning environments, increase functional communication and decrease challenging behaviors. Each consultation session systematically addresses elements of the Pyramid Approach and guides the team to evaluate whether their plans are effective. Our team will work with you to individualize a consultation plan that suits your needs.

Professionals Parents


Pyramid e-Learning opportunities are available via Pyramid Online Learning. We offer PECS Implementer Certification, our NEW Pyramid Journal Club, and self-guided e-Learning courses including The Language of Emotions, Teaching Critical Communication Skills, and Ethical Collaboration in Augmentative Alternative Communication. Upon completion of all requirements, participants will earn CEUs for most e-Learning courses.


Our Mission

Pyramid Educational Consultants is the worldwide source for both the Pyramid Approach to Education and the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). Our goal is to provide the highest quality of training, consultation and support to parents, caregivers and professionals in the field of autism and developmental disabilities. Using functional, practical and evidence based interventions, our aim is to teach individuals how to effectively communicate, function independently and be productive in their schools, home, place of employment and community.